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Creating Healthier Thanksgiving Traditions

Family walking in woodsAs families around the country prepare for Thanksgiving, many are committed to creating a healthier holiday experience while maintaining the joy and togetherness of the occasion.

As your partner in health, we wanted to share some of our top tips for keeping the holiday fun and healthy!

  • Healthy Alternatives—instead of traditional dishes loaded with excess sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, offer healthier alternatives. For example, a delicious roasted vegetable medley as a side dish, whole grains in the stuffing, and cranberry sauce with less sugar.
  • Portion Control—encourage portion control by serving smaller plates and using smaller utensils. This way, everyone can enjoy their favorite dishes without overeating.
  • Mindful Eating—emphasize the importance of mindful eating. Take the time to savor each bite, enjoy the flavors, and engage in meaningful conversations to prevent mindless overeating.
  • Natural Health Options—suggest incorporating natural health options. Enjoy herbal teas, like ginger or chamomile, to aid digestion and promote relaxation. Also, encouraging everyone to take a short family walk after the meal may help digestion.
  • Physical Activity—engage in fun physical activities together before or after the meal, like playing a family game of touch football or going for a nature walk. These activities not only promote physical health but also strengthen the family bond.
  • Hydration—make sure plenty of water and naturally flavored water options are available to stay hydrated throughout the day. Hydration is essential for good health, especially when enjoying a hearty meal.
  • Healthy Desserts—instead of heavy, calorie-laden desserts, offer healthier dessert options. Try fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, or even a small piece of dark chocolate for a sweet treat.
  • Open Communication—open discussions about your health goals and concerns with the family are essential. This way, all can work together to make healthier choices and support each other.
  • Gratitude and Reflection—emphasize the spirit of Thanksgiving by focusing on gratitude and reflection. Start the meal with a moment of gratitude and share what you’re thankful for, fostering a positive and mindful atmosphere.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a healthier Thanksgiving celebration for the family that nourishes our bodies and spirits. We hope you have a wonderful, safe, and fun-filled holiday with your loved ones.

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